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Impact of Website SEO with Se...

Impact of Website SEO with Search Engines: Responsive Design

What is responsive design? Responsive design is a web design approach used to create a site that adjusts smoothly to various screen sizes. Developers do several things such as size elements in relative units (%) and use media queries to apply different layouts and styles based on screen size. Using this approach their websites can automatically adapt to the browser space to ensure content consiste...

Useful Wordpress Plugins in 2...

Useful Wordpress Plugins in 2021

Last week we showed you how to backup your WordPress website. This week we explore useful WordPress plugins. WordPress has over 58,000 plugins, many of which are completely free to use. Some plugins have premium versions you can upgrade to if you wish to unlock additional features. Let us help you unleash the power of your WordPress websites by exploring useful WordPress plugins. Yoast SEO Get you...

Using Hashtags on Social Media

Using Hashtags on Social Media

What are hashtags?Let's start there - it is a word or phrase that begins with a hash/pound symbol (#). It is something you have undoubtedly seen, or maybe even used on social media. But what is it for...

Announcement: Mail Server Up...

Announcement: Mail Server Update

Dear valued customer, Thank you for choosing Pacific Software Publishing, Inc. We are always looking to improve the services we offer you. As such, we will be conducting mail server update. You may experience delay in incoming/outgoing emails for a few seconds during the maintenance time below. The schedule is as follows: * USA Pacific Standard Time - Mar 2nd (Tue) 8:00am - 8:30am * Japan Time - M...

Announcement: Dreamersi Soft...

Announcement: Dreamersi Software Update in Network Switch

Dear valued customer,Thank you for choosing Pacific Software Publishing, Inc.We are always looking to improve the services we offer you.As such, we will be conducting an emergency software update in Network switch.You may not be able to access the following services for 20 minutes during the below period.  * Affected Services: Bloguru Click It Audio InfoMakers Japanese Online Megamail NewsMail Opi...

How to backup your WordPre...

How to backup your WordPress website

Your WordPress website consists of files, images, and a database. Your database contains all of the content within your website. This includes every post, every link, and every comment. If your database gets corrupted, you could lose everything without a backup. Backing up your WordPress website regularly will ensure peace of mind. Automated WordPress Backup Plugins To automatically backup your Wo...

PSPinc What’s N...

PSPinc What’s New Newsletter Vol. 52 "Mail V5"

Vol. 52 Dreamersi, the email hosting service of Pacific Software Publishing, Inc., is getting a new mail server. The mail server currently used for hosting was originally developed as mail hosting software for Windows Server under the code name ST Mail. Since its initial release, it has been upgraded over time.The next release of our mail software will be a POP/IMAP server developed ...

A quick guide to typography fo...

A quick guide to typography for the web

Typography is one of the most important aspects of web design, yet also perhaps one of the most overlooked. Anybody can choose a typeface, but choosing the right typeface and then displaying it correctly can be a crucial step to reaching your users. Here are some tips for enhancing your website’s typography: Choosing the right typeface. First of all, yes it’s called a typeface, not a font. Without...

Announcement: Mail Server Up...

Announcement: Mail Server Update

Dear valued customer, Thank you for choosing Pacific Software Publishing, Inc. We are always looking to improve the services we offer you. As such, we will be conducting mail server update. You may experience delay in incoming emails for a few seconds during the maintenance time below. The schedule is as follows: * USA Pacific Standard Time - Feb 19th (Fri) 8:00am - 8:30am * Japan Time - Feb 20th ...

Questions from Customers

Questions from Customers

Today we are going to answer some questions we have received from customers over time. We hope you find it informative! If you don't find an answer to a question you have please contact us - we may feature you in a future entry to the Questions from Customers series! Who is PSPinc? PSPinc is a full-service web hosting, design, and software development company headquartered in Bellevue, WA. We hous...

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