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What is Responsive Web Design?

Responsive design is a technique used by web designers where the pages of a website “respond” and reconfigure to a mobile-friendly view on whatever device is being used. Not too long ago, designers ha...

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Overview and Video of IMAP

What is IMAP? IMAP stands for Internet Message Access Protocol. Try saying that 5 times fast…we’ll wait! In layman's terms, it’s simply the method used to retrieve email from a mail server. * Emails a...

Overview of Content Manageme...

Overview of Content Management Systems (CMS)

What is a CMS? A content management system, or CMS, is a software application designed to add, edit, and delete digital content – usually associated with a website. For instance, our CMS is called Web...

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Tips for Hosting an Effective Video Conference

Whether your meeting is in person or online, it’s important to make the most of the time you have. If you really want to get things accomplished, here’s a list of things you should do before the meeti...

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Make a Good Impression Over Video Conference

A while back, we interviewed a candidate for a job via Skype since she was in another state. The Skype conference worked great, but we were reminded how important it is to consider your surroundings. ...

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What is a Business Webinar?

Now you are all set to conduct a virtual meeting – as long as your remote meeting participants also have the proper tools installed. Don’t forget your virtual meeting goes two (or more) ways so make s...

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Preparing for a Virtual Conference

Skype, WebEx, Zoom … whatever program you decide to use for a virtual conference, you have to make sure your device is capable of using all the features. Conferencing from your phone using an app that...

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Virtual Meetings: Going Beyond the Conference Call

Traveling out of town for business can be cumbersome and time-consuming, although sometimes necessary to meet with people face to face. Fortunately, technology advancements have given us many options ...

How to Set Up Google My Busi...

How to Set Up Google My Business

1. First, you must verify that your business listing doesn’t already exist. To do this you’ll need to Google your business name and location. On the search result page, look to the right; if there isn...

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