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Dreamersi Spam Filter

Spam Filter Settings

  • 1. Go to Dreamersi and login with your Email address and password
  • 2. Admin: Click [Spam Filter Settings] under the [Administrator Account] section
  • admin spam filter settings
  • 2. User: Click [Spam Filter Settings] under the [User Account] section
  • user spam filter settings
  • 3. Make sure that both [Domain Spam Filter] and [Personal Spam Filter] are turned on. If not, select [On] and [Save]
  • Domain spam filter and personal spam filter should be turned on.
  • Use Summery Email

    You can select the format of the spam summary email OR select [None] if you wish not to recieve a spam summary email.

  • Filtered Email Storage Period

    You can select how long you wish to store your filtered email up to 7 days.

Spam Filter

  • 1. Admin: Click [Spam Filter] under the [Administrator Account] section
  • Click spam filter under admin account section
  • 1. User: Click [Spam Filter] under the [User Account] section
  • Click Spam Filter Settings under the Admin account section
  • 2. In ther filter creation form, fill each filter criteria as you wish and click [Save].

Subject Filter

  • Full match list

    Filter emails that use specific text and words in a subject line.

    e.x. Entering "Collect your free prize!" will block emails that use "Collect your free prize!" specifically in a subject line.

  • Partial match list

    Filter emails that partially contain specific keywords.

    e.x. Entering "Cheap" will block emails that contain the keyword "Cheap" in a subject line.

  • Front match list

    Filter emails that contain specific keywords ad the beginning of a subject line.

    e.x. Entering "Cheap" will block emails with a subject line, like "Cheap Flights" and "Cheap! Special Offers."

  • Tail match list

    Filter emails that contain specific keywords at the end of a subject line.

    e.x. Entering "Free" will block emails with a subject line like "Luxury Trip for Free"

Sender Filter

  • Full match list

    Filter emails sent from a specific Email address.

  • Partial match list

    Filter emails sent from an Email address that partially contains specific keywords.

  • Front match list

    Filter emails sent from an Email address that contains specific keywords at the beginning.

  • Tail match list

    Filter emails sent from and Email address that contains a specific keywords at the end.

Language Filter

  • Filter emails that contain language encoding for "Subject" and "Content-Type" in specific languages.

Exception List

  • If any of your important email goes to your spam filder, you can whitelist the email by entering and Email address or subject.

Mail Recovery

  • 1. Admin: Click [Mail Recovery] under the [Administrator Account] Section
  • Click mail recover under the admin account section
  • 1. User: Click [Mail Recovery] under the [User Account] Section
  • Click mail recovery under the user account section
  • 2. Select [Exception] if you would like to add the Email address to your Exception List and click [Submit]. Select [Recover] if you would like to recieve the Email and Click [Submit].
  • Select Exception for adding Email to exception list or Recover to receive Email