Hello, this is Ken Uchikura again from Pacific Software Publishing, Inc. in Bellevue, Washington. Thank you all for being our loyal customers. I am in charge and responsible for things happening within our company … good or bad. No, all the good things are a result of our dedicated and capable staff and all of the bad things are my fault. I guess that is what my job title suggests. Though personally, I like to spend time designing and developing services. That is the reason why I sit (live is the better word) in the R&D building.
One of the things that we are working on is called NewsMAIL. This is a service that is designed to allow you to broadcast email to customers, vendors, friends and family members. You can find the website at https://www.newsmail.com and it is a paid service … until now. We are making this email broadcasting system a part of Dreamersi web hosting without any additional fees. Yes, as a Dreamersi domain/web/email hosting customer, you will soon have access to NewsMAIL at no additional charge.
This is one way to have you use our services and our way of saying thank you for being our customer. We know you have many choices when it comes to domain/web/email hosting. If you are a Parcom, YourHost, or Fazewire hosting customer, the Dreamersi domain/web/email hosting service starts at only $250 per year and is an upgrade to your current service. We will be happy to move you to Dreamersi if you are interested. Please contact our support staff at 1-800-232-3989 or 425-957-0808.
We love talking with you. Thank you for reading my newsletter. Your comments are always welcome, especially when you have something to complain about.
Kenichi Uchikura
President / CEO
Pacific Software Publishing, Inc.