Hello, this is Ken Uchikura again from Pacific Software Publishing, Inc. We are very privileged to be chosen to take care of your Domain, Web and Email needs. We have been working very hard to make sure the services that you use are secure and stable. You probably did not feel it, but we had a massive DDoS attack to our servers lasting an entire week. We were able to reroute all DDoS traffic to the abyss and run the entire service on one side of our network without causing any service outage. This took place from January 5th - 11th this year. We are now redesigning our network to mitigate more incidents like this. I will keep you posted.
Note: What is DDoS attack?
A distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attack is a malicious attempt to disrupt normal traffic of a targeted server, service or network by overwhelming the target or its surrounding infrastructure with a flood of Internet traffic.
Here is what we are working on.
When we started our Internet service back in 1996 (23 years ago), there was no email software we could use to provide reliable service with. So we created our own POP email server system called ST Mail. It was designed to run on a Windows Server. We have upgraded ST Mail and it is currently on version 4.0 supporting POP and IMAP.
2 years ago, we started to design and build a new email server based completely on a new codebase running on a Linux server. We are happy to say that we will be starting internal tests of this new email server (codename PSP ML-5) this quarter. We are hoping to start using this new server to provide Dreamersi email service by this Summer.
ST Mail, running on Windows servers, is still one of the most stable and fastest email servers in the industry. However, ML-5 is going to be even faster and more stable. Plus, ML-5 will have one more feature that no other email server has. With ML-5 you will be able to host your email server at your own facility and it will be backed up by our datacenter. You will be able to install and run your email from your office with no limitations. When the server in your office is offline, your email service will automatically be handled by PSPinc - there will be no down time.
This is one of the products we are currently creating. I will continue to write about other exciting things that we are working on. Please let me know what you think.
Kenichi Uchikura
President / CEO
Pacific Software Publishing, Inc.