Thank you for being our customer. We are excited to let you know what we are working on so that we may be able to assist your business in some small way. We are sending this email to you because you are a part of a business which currently uses our services such as web hosting, web development, newsletter publishing and others. If we are not providing any services to your business and you received this email, we are very sorry and there is a link below to remove your email from this list immediately. On the other hand, if you know of someone that you feel would benefit from this email, please let us know and we would be happy to add them to our contact database.
My name is Kenichi Uchikura, President and CEO of Pacific Software Publishing, Inc. (or PSPinc). I am the person responsible for designing products and services as well as providing support and all of the background work to make everything happen. I created PSPinc back in 1987 and we have not gone public nor been bought out by any big businesses. We are a true independent software development and data center operation company.
Because we are independent, we can do things much faster than other companies. We can change direction in a matter of minutes. That means we can attempt some things so crazy that other companies may not even try them. Of course, because we try many things, we fail a lot more than others. We have never communicated that fact but I thought it may be fun to share some of our failures with you.
I hope you take this newsletter as your gateway to get to know myself and PSPinc. If you have any suggestions, questions, criticisms or occasional compliments - I would be happy to read each one of them and respond to you. Today is the very first introduction of this newsletter and I hope you will continue to provide me with a minute of your time to read it in the future. I promise I will try to entertain.
Kenichi Uchikura
President / CEO
Pacific Software Publishing, Inc.