Dear customers,
Thank you for choosing Pacific Software Publishing, Inc., provider of Dreamersi, YourHost, Parcom and FazeWire web hosting. My name is Ken Uchikura, President and CEO of Pacific Software Publishing Inc.
We haven’t communicated much with you on what is happening, what you can expect from us and the hosting industry. My plan is to start updating you from time-to-time on some of the latest news that might be beneficial to your business.
Today, I will be talking a bit about web security. You must have noticed some websites, maybe yours, display “Not Secure” next to the web address. This happens when your website is not secure using SSL. An SSL certificate is something you apply for, purchase and install on your website. When you install SSL, your website will communicate with users using a data encryption method.
As your web hosting provider, we will work with you to apply, purchase and install SSL for your website at a low annual fee of $49.99 to $279.99 depending on the SSL certificate level. For most small businesses, the $49.99 option is good enough. At that price, I will have my team get you the certificate and install it on your website.
Don’t let your website keep showing “Not Secure.” Let us help you look better at the lowest price. Call us at 1-800-232-3989. This offer is only eligible for existing customers who are hosting with Dreamersi, YourHost, Parcom and FazeWire.
Thank you for being our customer. If you have any questions, please contact me directly at ken.uchikura@pspinc.com. I am here to make sure you are in good hands.
Ken Uchikura President & CEO Pacific Software Publishing, Inc. |